Bhajan Base

Music C.d.'s

The Importance of a Saint

The Importance of A Saint


What great luck it is to be associated with a saint!

At that time you're introduced to the path of the Lord . . . . . .


Remove malice, lust, attachment, greed and all discord,

Dissolve darkness from our lives, color all with Ram's paint . . . .


Useless glass turns to diamonds so priceless we can't afford,

A crow becomes a nightingale, all new traits to acquaint . . . . . . .


The saint is first to know the direct knowledge of the Lord;

Knots of love securely tie to his feet with no complaint . . . . . .


Not one person on this earth my dependence to record,

Homage at Your holy feet "Kripalu", bow with no restraint . . . . .

A Difficult Riddle

A Portrait of Joy

Acceptance of Faults

Across the Mind



Baby Krishna's Bath

Brahmeshwara Aarti

Brahmeshwara Aarti transliterated

Compassionate Master

Cosmic Identity

Dear Baby Krishna

Dedication Page

Divine Guru

Do not get Diverted from the Lord

Forever Kindle the Flame of Faith

Gestures of Krishna

Give Me a Broader Mind

Give to Me Pure Intellect

Gujarati Composite Alphabet


I am Blushing

I will even die for You, my Lord

Keep Your Merciful Eyes on Us

Kripalu Aarti

Lord, Have mercy on Me


Mother Kundalini

My Total Goal

Offering of the Soul

One Time Look at Me with Love

Only Guru's Grace

Only You

Only You Can Help Me


Protector of Life

Rare Pilgrimage


Rx to Cross All Difficulties

Service to the Guru

Temple Dhuns

The Final Moment

The Glory of the Saints

The Ointment of Knowledge

The Highest Goal

The Highest Spiritual Practice

The Importance of Humility

The Importance of A Saint

The Importance of the Guru

The Theory of One God

You are the Doer, Oh Lord, not I


Vinit Muniji in 1983 went over this bhajan word for word with Leela and then after returning to America and churning the words, Leela translated it so that it could be sung. Poetic English Rendering by Leela Bruner 1984 all rights reserved

Santa Mahimaa


mahaabhaagyathi male sanga santano re!

tyaare parichaya thaay prabhu panthano re! . . . . . . . . . .


mate maayaano mela chadhe raama ranga re!

shame kaam, kodha, lobha, moha, dresha, danbha re! . . . . . . . .


tuchchha kaacha bane bahumulya hiralo re!

bane kaagado koyala, baga hansalo re! . . . . . . . . . . .


prabhukripaa pratyaksha jaan shroshda santane!

enaa charanomaan bandha chitta snehabandhane! . . . . . .


nathi aadhara anya koi avanimandale!

loti vandanaa 'Kripaalu' kara paadapankaje! . . . . . . . .



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