Power of Love Temple has been blessed to have the selfless volunteer construction help of these generous volunteers. For the help of these beautiful karma yogis and yoginis, Leela is eternally grateful. May God fill each and every one with abundant blessings. (21-3000 days) Dale Bruner, Steve Kelley, Dave Buresh
(10-20 days) Eddith Buis, Gary Carlson (Garotica), Tim Morgan (Sriram), Steve Thyberg, Mike Swanson
(3-9 days) Sue Moon (Kadambari) , Bobby Runions (Gishnu), Cathy Steenson, Adena Clarey (Shuchi), Kay Rockwell, Brandy Bruner, Shelley Gillum, Andrea Howard, David Loyd, Lisa Hoffmann (Vidyarani Ma), Doug D'Arcy
(1-3 days) Bill Clarey, Suzanne Swang, John Steenson, Melanie McLeod, Nancy Scott, Elaine Freeman (Supriya), Jerry Rico, Leo Hoffman, Mike St. Cross, Carolyn Moon, Elizabeth McKenna, Beth Swanson, Teresa Champ, Crystal Runions, Sarah Bisbee, Kent Bruner, Ronny Bruner, Mahen Panchal, Kandy Scott, Sue Schneider, Jamie Steenson, Luke Steenson, Joyce Linnbruner, Val Hadan, Brian Schneider, Hank Raff and Lee Forbes
Approximately 1/3 of the finances for Power of Love Temple came from private no strings attached donations which averaged around $11 a person. The largest donation was a little over $500 and the smallest one penny. Another third was generated from gifts which Leela created, from fund raiser workshops and garage sales, The final third came from Astrology Readings and out of Leela's savings. No grant money was involved. Because of this creative ways were used to save money and also everything was used and re-used including the sawdust. Leela also publishes a newsletter called Rainbow Review with a subscription fee of $10 a year or $27 for temple supporters.
The other element that is needed for temple construction is the raising and maintaining of the sacred energy. When anyone comes to satsanga to chant or meditate, they are continuing to build the temple.
The spark that ignited the flame that fueled the construction of Power of Love Temple is the love between Guru and disciple. Fortunately for everyone, Steve Kelley of Omaha, NE came just as the construction began. He donated two days a week for a couple of years and still comes to help with maintenance.
Steve is a disciple of Anandi Ma, named successor of the Dhyanyogi lineage. A meditation technique which Anandi Ma taught Steve and he practices changed his life from one of extreme hyperness to a calm and loving being. Anandi Ma's photo can be seen in the temple entry.
Go to Construction History and see how integral Steve's labors were to creating this beautiful, acoustically wonderful temple. Learn more about Anandi Ma by going to www.DYC.org.